Say more with your vote.

Welcome to Rank the Vote Kansas!

We invite you to look around our website and check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Our members from across Kansas meet remotely on the 3rd Mondays (except holidays).

We would love for you to join us!

We are a non-partisan coalition of Kansans working to enact ranked-choice voting in our state. Our members, located across Kansas and the Kansas City metro, come from a variety of backgrounds and viewpoints.

Ranked-choice voting requires legislative action. To that end, we're focused on spreading the word about RCV both with our Kansas legislators and with our fellow citizens.

Kansans are warmly embracing the idea of ranked-choice voting and, in fact, some have already successfully used it in the 2020 Kansas Democratic presidential primary. With your help, we can change every Kansas election for the better!